TL;DR - App Engine standard does not support the newer Google Cloud Client libraries. You will instead need to use the older Google Cloud API Client libraries to communicate with Cloud Pub/Sub.
Cloud API Client libraries (older) vs Google Cloud Client libraries (newer)
The Cloud Pub/Sub client library documentation you're pointing to advises you to use the older Google API Client libraries (which is supported on App Engine Standard environment) instead of Google Cloud Client libraries (which is supported on App Engine Flexible environment but not on standard)
The client libraries are explained in detail here.
Google API Client libraries for Cloud Pub/Sub
Here are all the list of APIs which are supported using Google API Client libraries. Cloud Pub/Sub APIs are also part of this list.
Using Google API Client libraries with App Engine Standard
If you scroll down that page, there is a section describing how this API library can be used in App Engine Standard environment. In short, you will need to bundle the library along with your application just like other third-party libraries you use.
App Engine
Because the Python client libraries are not installed in the App
Engine Python runtime environment, they must be vendored into your
application just like third-party libraries.
This warning that you will see on the page, advises you to use the regular Cloud Client library if possible. But since App Engine Standard does not support it, you can ignore it for that use case.
While this library is still supported, we suggest trying the newer
Cloud Client Library for Google Cloud Pub/Sub, especially for new
projects. See Google Cloud Pub/Sub Libraries for installation and
usage details.
Examples using google-api-python-client library to invoke PubSub APIs
Using credentials from a service account json file
The following example shows you how you can use a service account to authenticate with Google Cloud PubSub APIs and invoke them. The information about how to use credentials from a Service account is available here.
You will need to have the following python packages pre-installed for this example to work: google-api-python-client
and oauth2client
If you're using pip
, you can do:
pip install google-api-python-client oauth2client
Example which I have tested personally:
from googleapiclient import discovery
from httplib2 import Http
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
PRIVATE_KEY_JSON = 'path/to/service_account_private_key.json'
# The format of project name expected by PubSub
PROJECT = 'projects/{0}'.format(PROJECT_NAME)
# Create a ServiceAccountCredentials object by reading the credentials from
# your JSON file.
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(
# Build the Cloud PubSub API object which you will be using for
# invoking the corresponding APIs using the credentials object
# you created previously
pubsub ='pubsub', 'v1', credentials=credentials)
# List all topics the specified project
topics = pubsub.projects().topics().list(
print topics
# Add a new topic
topic_name = 'TOPIC_NAME_TO_ADD'
added_topic_response = pubsub.projects().topics().create(
name='{0}/topics/{1}'.format(PROJECT, topic_name), body={}).execute()
print added_topic_response
Using credentials from a service account within an App Engine app
There is some info here regarding how to use Service account credentials from your App Engine apps.
The above example will work for the most part for invoking PubSub APIs, except for the part where you will initialize the credentials object. That part can be replaced roughly as described below:
Service Accounts
If your App Engine application needs to call an API to access data
owned by the application's project, you can simplify OAuth 2.0 by
using Service Accounts. These server-to-server interactions do
not involve a user, and only your application needs to authenticate
itself. Use the AppAssertionCredentials class to create a
Credentials object without using a Flow object.
In the following code snippet, a Credentials object is created and an
Http object is authorized:
import httplib2
from google.appengine.api import memcache
from oauth2client.contrib.appengine import AppAssertionCredentials
credentials = AppAssertionCredentials(scope='')
http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http(memcache))
pubsub ='pubsub', 'v1', http=http)
Once you have an authorized Http object, you can pass it to the
build() or execute() functions as you normally would.
Using Application Default Credentials
You can also utilize Application Default credentials for your local testing and also works within App Engine environment.
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
pubsub ='pubsub', 'v1', credentials=credentials)