
I'm trying to write a predicate common(L, S) which from a list of lists L generates in S all common subsequences of the lists in L.

subseq([], _).
subseq([H|S], L) :- append(_, [H|T], L), subseq(S, T).

common(L, X) :- not((
        member(A, L),
        not(subseq(X, A))

It just gives me 'true' even with wrong input.

For example:

common([[1,2,3,4], [2,3], [12]], X). true


I've noticed that it's actually working but it's just not substituting X with the term for which the predicate is true.

What do you mean with 'yes'? Can you give the exact query? Furthermore that is logical: negation in Prolog is not constructive. So it will either return true or false.Willem Van Onsem
Yes, sorry about that. I've edited the post adding an example query.Nikola
Furthermore you want all common subsequences? Because that is a hard problem (in terms of computational complexity). Please specify with a few examples (input and expected output what you aim to do).Willem Van Onsem
Please note that a subsequence is something different! What you want is called a substring or sublist.false
Thanks, I have forgotten that. But even after changing the definition of subseq to subseq([], _). subseq([H|S], L) :- append(_, [H|T], L), subseq(S, T). It still behaves the same way. I've noticed that it's working properly when I give it exact values, but when trying to substitute X with the result it doesn't work. It just gives 'yes'Nikola

1 Answers


A substring is a non-empty prefix of a suffix.

substring_of(Ys, Xs) :-
   Ys = [_|_],           %  a non-empty
   append(_, Zs, Xs),    %                       a suffix of Xs
   append(Ys, _, Zs).    %             prefix of 

common(Xss, Xs) :-       % Xs is a substring of each element of Xss
   maplist(substring_of(Xs), Xss).

?- common([[1,2,3,4], [2,3,4,5]], Xs).
Xs = [2] ;
Xs = [2, 3] ;
Xs = [2, 3, 4] ;
Xs = [3] ;
Xs = [3, 4] ;
Xs = [4] ;