First post here on Stack and fairly new to programming with Python and using DynamoDB, but I'm simply trying to run a scan on my table that returns results based on two pre-defined attributes.
---Here is my Python code snippet---
shift = "3rd"
date = "2017-06-21"
if shift != "":
response = table.scan(
FilterExpression=Attr("Date").eq(date) and Attr("Shift").eq(shift)
My DynamoDB has 4 fields.
- ID
- Date
- Shift
- Safety
Now for the issue, upon running I'm getting two table entries returned when I should only be getting the first entry... the one with "No safety issues" based on my scan criteria.
---Here is my DynamoDB return results---
"Shift": "3rd",
"Safety": "No safety issues",
"Date": "2017-06-21",
"ID": "2"
"Shift": "3rd",
"Safety": "Cut Finger",
"Date": "2017-06-22",
"ID": "4"
Items Returned: 2
I believe that by applying the FilterExpression with the logical 'and' specified that the scan operation is looking for entries that meet BOTH criteria since I used 'and'.
Could this be because the 'shift' attribute "3rd" is found in both entries? How do I ensure it returns entries based on BOTH criteria being meet and not just giving me results from one attribute type?
I have a feeling this is simple but I've looked at the available documentation at: and am still having trouble. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
P.S. I tried to keep the post simple and easy to understand (not including all my program code) however, if additional information is needed I can provide it!