I have a MainActivity that immediately calls SetContentView(to the main screen). On button press, it starts a new intent activity1 that opens the second screen and transfers variables to it with PutExtra.
Now if I want to go back to the main screen on button press, Finish(); is a perfect way to do it because it stops activity1 and I am taken back to the main screen no problem.
Although, when I want to transfer variables back to the main screen, I have to create a new intent/activity that creates a completely new instance of the main screen.
Is there a way to pass data back from the second activity without creating a new instance of the main screen?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.Provider;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Widget;
using Android.OS;
using static Android.Renderscripts.ScriptGroup;
using Android.Preferences;
namespace App11
[Activity(Label = "App11", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon")]
public class MainActivity : Android.App.Activity
//define all variables
IList<String> listitems = new List<String>();
public static int putposition;
public static string putname;
public static int getposition;
public static string getname;
bool edittoggle = false;
int count = 1;
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
//create screen
//get/define widgets from screen
TextView text_title = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.Text_Title);
ListView list_schedule = FindViewById<ListView>(Resource.Id.List_Schedule);
ImageButton buttonadditem = FindViewById<ImageButton>(Resource.Id.Button_AddItem);
ImageButton buttonedititem = FindViewById<ImageButton>(Resource.Id.Button_EditItem);
ImageButton buttonsettings = FindViewById<ImageButton>(Resource.Id.Button_Settings);
//define array
ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, listitems);
list_schedule.Adapter = adapter;
//on additem click
FindViewById<ImageButton>(Resource.Id.Button_AddItem).Click += delegate { adapter.Add("Alarm Item " + count++); };
//on edititem click
FindViewById<ImageButton>(Resource.Id.Button_EditItem).Click += delegate
if (edittoggle == true)
edittoggle = false;
edittoggle = true;
//on list item click
list_schedule.ItemClick += (s, e) =>
//if edititem button is toggled on
if (edittoggle == true)
//create new intent activity1
Intent activity1 = new Intent(this, typeof(Activity1));
//put position of item from list
putname = (String)adapter.GetItem(e.Position);
activity1.PutExtra("Main_Put_Edit_Name", putname);
Console.WriteLine("put int edit name = " + putname);
//put name of item from list
putposition = e.Position;
activity1.PutExtra("Main_Put_Edit_Position", putposition);
Console.WriteLine("put string edit position = " + putposition);
StartActivityForResult(activity1, 0);
//TODO: show settings
protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data)
base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (resultCode == Result.Ok)
getname = data.GetStringExtra("Main_Put_Edit_Name2");
Console.WriteLine("get int edit name = " + getname);
getposition = data.GetIntExtra("Main_Put_Edit_Position2", 0);
Console.WriteLine("get int edit position = " + getposition);
//put_name and put_position should now hold the results you want, you can do whatever you want with these two values now in your MainActivity
Console.WriteLine("test = " + listitems[0]);
//but now range is out of bounds because listitems is only properly defined in OnCreate
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Runtime;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Widget;
using Android.Provider;
using static Android.Renderscripts.ScriptGroup;
using Android.Preferences;
namespace App11
[Activity(Label = "Activity1")]
public class Activity1 : Android.App.Activity
//define variables
IList<string> listitems = new List<string>();
public static int get_position;
public static string get_name;
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
//create screen
//define screen widgets
ListView list_schedule2 = FindViewById<ListView>(Resource.Id.List_Schedule2);
EditText alarm_name = FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.name_input);
Button donebutton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.button_done);
//get extras from activity1
get_position = Intent.GetIntExtra("Main_Put_Edit_Position", 0);
Console.WriteLine("get array edit position = " + get_position);
get_name = Intent.GetStringExtra("Main_Put_Edit_Name");
Console.WriteLine("get array edit name = " + get_name);
//just cuz
alarm_name.Text = get_name;
ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, listitems);
list_schedule2.Adapter = adapter;
FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.button_done).Click += delegate
//create new intent
Intent intent = new Intent(); //Added the type of Main Activity
int put_position = get_position;
intent.PutExtra("Main_Put_Edit_Position2", put_position);
Console.WriteLine("put array edit position = " + put_position);
string put_name = alarm_name.Text;
intent.PutExtra("Main_Put_Edit_Name2", put_name);
Console.WriteLine("put array edit name = " + put_name);
SetResult(Result.Ok, intent); //added the SetResult method.
I'm just testing it with int and string right now. Put/Get the position(int) and name(string) of the list item.