I tried running npm install -g angular-cli
I also tried adding it to the Enviorment Variables under PATH: (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\angular-cli\bin\ng) , with no success also.
I tried running npm install -g angular-cli
I also tried adding it to the Enviorment Variables under PATH: (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\angular-cli\bin\ng) , with no success also.
This error is simply telling you that Angular CLI is either not installed or not added to the PATH. To solve this error, first, make sure you’re running Node 6.9 or higher. A lot of errors can be resolved by simply upgrading your Node to the latest stable version.
Open up the Terminal on macOS/Linux or Command Prompt on Windows and run the following command to find out the version of Node you are running:
node --version
I had the same issue on Windows7. I resolved it setting correct path.
First find ng.cmd file on your System. It will usually at:
to this location.
Close existing command window and open new one
ng version
Also remember to install angular with -g command.
npm install -g @angular/cli
I was with the same problem and now discovered a working solution. After successful installation of node and angular CLI do the following steps.
Open C:\usr\local
and copy the path or the path where angular CLI located on your machine.
Now open environment variable in your Windows, and add copied path in the following location:
Advanced > Environment Variable > User Variables and System Variables
as below image:
That's all, now open cmd and try with any 'ng' command:
make sure environment variables are set properly.
control panel-> system->advanced system settings-> select advanced Tab->
click on environment variables
and make sure in the path below line is available
here username will get changed based on the user
still if its not working yourenvironment variables are not getting reflected so please restart your machine it will work fine
if still you are facing issue your angular cli is not installed properly
please run below commands for reinstalling
npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm cache clean or npm cache clean --force
npm install -g @angular/cli@latest
This answer is based on the following answer by @YuSolution https://stackoverflow.com/a/44622211/4567504.
In my case Installing MySQL changed my path variable and even after reinstalling @angular/cli globally many times I was not able to fix the issue.
In command prompt, run the following command
npm config get prefix
A path will be returned like
Copy this path and go to ControlPanel > System and Security > System, Click on Advanced System settings, go to advanced tab and select environment variable button like
Now in User Variables box click on Path row and edit and in variable value box paste your copied path.
Restart the command prompt and it will work
If angular cli is installed and ng command is not working then please see below suggestion, it may work
In my case problem was with npm config file (.npmrc ) which is available at C:\Users{user}. That file does not contain line
registry https://registry.npmjs.org/=true
. When i have added that line command started working. Use below command to edit config file. Edit file and save. Try to run command again. It should work now.
npm config edit
This issue also bother me and then i find possible cases to reproduce this issue
when i run my window in administrator then it working fine ng but when i run this in my second space like other user then i got this issue.
so if i want to run my angular application then i need to run this command
npm run ng serve which is working but when i run the command with --host npm run ng server --host IP it not working given some error
so i find some possible solution 1. go appdata and then user\admin\AppData\Roaming\npm folder then copy this path but if you using other user account user\newuser\AppData\Roaming\npm folder you can copy this npm folder from other user i.e admin user account. if you do not want to copy this folder then copy the path of ****user\admin\AppData\Roaming\npm folder**** folder and then open your environment variable setting and add this path in path variable name
enter this path in system path variable not user variable C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\npm
and run the command prompt as administrator then run ng command it will work
Short answer:
Just install the latest version of nodejs and then restart your system.
more description:
It's related to Environment variables in your system at least as far as I know, you can make changes in path variable in your system as others talked about it in the current thread but the easiest way to solve this is installing nodejs!