I'm trying create an executable from my code that uses PyQt5. I'm using Python 3.5.3 -64 bits, developing in Windows 10, used pip to install pyinstaller 3.2.1, and installed pywin32. Pyinstaller runs but outputs warnings that libraries aren't found.
I'm creating my application using the following:
pyinstaller Start_UI.py
Which outputs these warnings.
pyinstaller Start_UI.spec
Which outputs these warnings
When I open the executable that pyinstaller creates, the application closes immediately. I suspect the application is failing because of the warnings. How can I resolve the warnings so the executable works?
Thank you for the replies.
Edit: I searched for DLL files on my computer and copied them into the dist folder which resolved the warnings output by:
pyinstaller Start_UI.py
As for:
pyinstaller Start_UI.spec
I located the mission api-mis-win-crt-* dll files in my installation of Windows SDK, and copied them into dist as well. This time, the warnings were not resolved as pyinstaller can't locate the dll files. Where do I need to put the api dll files for pyinstaller to locate them?