Is it possible to use another feature of CKEditor to add just a css class for the wysiwyg mode while editing (and not for the resulting content)? (Like the spellchecker/scayt is adding a span with wavy underline styles only in the wysiwyg mode)
My wanted scenario
I've created a plugin for CKEditor 4.7 which search for specific tags with specific content (e.g. an empty paragraph which can lead to not intended "spaces" on the final website) and adds a css class to tags. The class adds a red border to inform the editor about the "empty" tag.
I actually use editor.document.$.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
and plain javascript to add the css class rte-empty
My problem
My approach adds the css class also to the final content of the <textarea />
Here's my code while posting the question:
* Check for empty tags plugin
'use strict';
(function () {
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('emptytags', {
lang: "de,en",
onLoad: function(editor) {
'.cke_editable .rte-empty {' +
' border: 1px dotted red;' +
init: function (editor) {
// Default Config
var defaultConfig = {
tagsToCheck: {0: 'p'}
var config =, editor.config.emptytags || {}, true);
editor.addCommand('checkForEmptyTags', {
exec: function (editor) {
var editorContent = editor.getData();
// Stop check and inform editor if the editor has no content.
if (editorContent === '') {
// Check if tag name's to check are set
if (config.tagsToCheck.length > 0 && config.tagsToCheck[0] !== null) {
var index;
for (index = 0; index < config.tagsToCheck.length; ++index) {
var tagName = config.tagsToCheck[index];
var tags = editor.document.$.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
for (var i=0; i < tags.length; i++) {
if (checkForRealEmptyTag(tags[i].innerHTML)
|| checkForEmptyTagWithSpace(tags[i].innerHTML)
|| checkForEmptyTagWithNbsp(tags[i].innerHTML)
) {
if(tags[i].className.indexOf("rte-empty") < 0){
tags[i].className += "rte-empty";
var noEmptyTagFound = false;
} else {
// Inform editor that no empty tag can be found (anymore)
if (noEmptyTagFound === true) {
editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton('Check for empty tags', {
label: editor.lang.emptytags.ToolbarButton,
command: 'checkForEmptyTags',
toolbar: 'insertcharacters'
function checkForRealEmptyTag(content) {
return content.length === 0;
function checkForEmptyTagWithNbsp(content) {
return content === ' ' || content.trim() === '<br>';
function checkForEmptyTagWithSpace(content) {
return content.trim().length === 0;
I'm searching for a possibility like the SCAYT plugin does: Adding span tags with a class for adding a wavy underline to words which could not be found in dictionaries.