I have a Google Sheet that includes a list of dates that documents need to ON our website, and dates documents need to come OFF of our site.
What I'd like to do is create a second tab that includes only the documents that need to come off the site that day - based on the date entered. So it would need to query if the date is on or before today.
Here's what I've cobbled together from other questions/answers - but it doesn't work. It only pulls the first and second row and puts them both in the first row of the new tab:
=QUERY(Sheet!A:M,"WHERE G < date """&text(today(),"yyyy-mm-dd")&""" ")
My sheet is available here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pq6fhlRLDXMrApTEiwpa-PhmWlG0cYvJy_6SqZDEm4Y/edit?usp=sharing