for the last hours I've been trying to add a webhook to my Shopify app using the official shopify_app gem.
So I ran rails g shopify_app:add_webhook -t products/update -a
and saw every file getting generated as expected and checking the logs after installing my app in a Test Store also showed me that the webhook was initiated successfully.
However, after actually updating a product in the shop, I get an error saying:
ShopifyApp::MissingWebhookJobError (ShopifyApp::MissingWebhookJobError):
shopify_app (7.2.9) app/controllers/shopify_app/webhooks_controller.rb:21:in `webhook_job_klass'
shopify_app (7.2.9) app/controllers/shopify_app/webhooks_controller.rb:10:in `receive'
actionpack (5.0.3) lib/action_controller/metal/basic_implicit_render.rb:4:in `send_action'
...going on for about 40 lines more and repeating itself after about 10-30 seconds, however, showing me the params before throwing it. I haven't changed the products_job.rb
, so it's still looking like this: (although I've tried to change it many times)
class ProductsJob < ActiveJob::Base
def perform(shop_domain:, webhook:)
shop = Shop.find_by(shopify_domain: shop_domain)
shop.with_shopify_session do
I'd be really happy to get any input on this, as I'm new to Shopify Apps and to Rails too (as you can probably tell ^^)
Thanks, Georg