
I've asked this question previously and a wonderful person lead me to a decent workaround for the issue. However, I am hoping to see if there is a better solution. One that actually prevents any shifting in my QListWidget entirely.

Working demo example

ListDemo zipfile http://nexrem.com/test/ListDemo.zip

ListDemo cpp code

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)

    myListWidget = new QListWidget();

     * The signal-slot below is a temporary workaround for the shifting issue.
     * This will ensure that the item selected remains in view,
     * This is achieved by forcing the item to be in the center of the window;
     * however, this has an undesired side-effect of visible 'jumping' as the list
     * scrolls to center the item.
    //connect (myListWidget, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), this,
    //         SLOT(scrollToItem(QListWidgetItem*)));

    for (int i = 0; i <= 1000; ++i)
        QListWidgetItem * myItem = new QListWidgetItem(myListWidget);
        QString text("");
        for (int i = 0; i <= 40; ++i)
        myItem->setText(text + QString::number(i));

    for (int i = 0; i <= 1000; ++i)
        if (i%2)
    auto selected = myListWidget->selectedItems();
    if (selected.size() == 1)

void MainWindow::scrollToItem(QListWidgetItem * item)
    std::cout << "Scrolling to the item." << std::endl;
    myListWidget->scrollToItem(item, QAbstractItemView::PositionAtCenter);

The problem: Whenever I have a QListWidget with horizontal scrollbars and hidden rows present, I get an undesired behaviour that whenever a user clicks on an item, it disappears from view, and the entire list shifts down. In the example above, I've hidden every other row, to demonstrate this behaviour.

The workaround: Workaround is having a signal-slot connection that forces the selected item to be scrolled back into view and positioned at the center. Note, that I have to use PositionAtCenter as EnsureVisible does not work. It thinks the item is visible when it is out of view. This workaround is acceptable; however, there is visible 'jump' when your selection is forced to be positioned at the center. This is an undesirable side effect.

At this point I am not sure whether this is a QT bug (I don't think having horizontal scrollbar should force your selection out of view) or my code is missing something vital.

The Fix: As per @G.M.'s comment, all that was missing is myListWidget->setAutoScroll(false);

Seems like a QT Bug. Confirmed with Qt 5.9.0, MSVC2015_x64. Does not occur if there are no hidden items... You should report that to QTking_nak
Does myListWidget->setAutoScroll(false) fix the problem?G.M.
@G.M. I cannot believe it was something that simple... But it was. Please post that as an answer.Metal Wing
Your code is incomplete; in particular, it seems to be missing a main() function and at least one #include. Please edit your code so it's a minimal reproducible example of your problem, then we can try to reproduce and solve it. You should also read How to Ask.Toby Speight

1 Answers


As mentioned in the comment...

To prevent automatic scrolling on selection disable the autoScroll property. So, in the example code provided do...


Note that this property also has an effect when items are dragged over the list view so if you want your list view to act as a drop site then you will probably want to re-enable this property when you get a QDragEnterEvent.