
Trying to configure Traffic Manager for load balancing with Weighted method, both endpoints are at West US region using standard 2 plan.

Azure App Services: A(West US) - 50% Traffic B(West US) - 50% Traffic

First endpoint added successfully with 50 weight, When I am adding the second App Service as endpoint of traffic manager I'm getting this error:

Failed to save configuration changes to Traffic Manager profile '*****'. Error: Some of the provided Azure Website endpoints are not valid: One or more conflicts detected in traffic manager configuration. Multiple domains point to region 'West US': a.azurewebsites.net, b.azurewebsites.net


1 Answers


Typically, Traffic Manager is used to direct traffic to applications deployed in different regions. However, it can also be used where an application has more than one deployment in the same region. The Traffic Manager Azure endpoints do not permit more than one Web App endpoint from the same Azure region to be added to the same Traffic Manager profile.

So it is not possible with Web Apps
