As title,
For simplicity, if i want to execute twice read operation with different UUID :
(I know RxAndroidBle have provided a multiple read function)
Observable<RxBleConnection> ob = device.establishConnection(false);
ob.flatMap(rxBleConnection -> rxBleConnection.readCharacteristic(CHAR_WIFI_SSID))
characteristicValue -> {
//2. then read Successfully here !!!!!
throwable -> {
ob.flatMap(rxBleConnection -> rxBleConnection.readCharacteristic(CHAR_WIFI_SECURITY_MODE))
characteristicValue -> {
throwable -> {
//1. I got BleAlreadyConnectedException error first !!!!
Why does second subscribe() get BleAlreadyConnectedException ?
i found the solution, if i modify
device.establishConnection(false) ==> device.establishConnection(false).compose(new ConnectionSharingAdapter())
ConnectionSharingAdapter will do something like this:
keep the last one emitted by source observable
. – Dean Xu