I store my data in a char array, and I need to read float and int variables from there. This code works fine on CPU:
global float *p;
p = (global float*)get_pointer_to_the_field(char_array, index);
*p += 10;
But on GPU I get the error -5: CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES. The reading itself works, but doing something with the value (adding 10 in this case) causes the error. How could I fix it?
This works on GPU:
float f = *p;
f += 10;
However, I still can't write this value back to the array.
Here is the kernel:
global void write_value(global char *data, int tuple_pos, global char *field_value,
int which_field, global int offsets[], global int *num_of_attributes) {
int tuple_size = offsets[*num_of_attributes];
global char *offset = data + tuple_pos * tuple_size;
offset += offsets[which_field];
memcpy(offset, field_value, (offsets[which_field+1] - offsets[which_field]));
global char *read_value(global char *data, int tuple_pos,
int which_field, global int offsets[], global int *num_of_attributes) {
int tuple_size = offsets[*num_of_attributes];
global char *offset = data + tuple_pos * tuple_size;
offset += offsets[which_field];
return offset;
kernel void update_single_value(global char* input_data, global int* pos, global int offsets[],
global int *num_of_attributes, global char* types) {
int g_id = get_global_id(1);
int attr_id = get_global_id(0);
int index = pos[g_id];
if (types[attr_id] == 'f') { // if float
global float *p;
p = (global float*)read_value(input_data, index, attr_id, offsets, num_of_attributes);
float f = *p;
f += 10;
//*p += 10; // not working on GPU
else if (types[attr_id] == 'i') { // if int
global int *p;
p = (global int*)read_value(input_data, index, attr_id, offsets, num_of_attributes);
int i = *p;
i += 10;
//*p += 10;
else { // if char
write_value(input_data, index, read_value(input_data, index, attr_id, offsets, num_of_attributes), attr_id, offsets, num_of_attributes);
It updates values of a table's tuples, int and float are increased by 10, char fields are just replaced with the same content.