
I'm trying to implement a login flow (firstly showing the LoginPage) and the Login Page has a Command that the user can click to create an account (this is a NavigationPage), so the flow is LoginPage -> NewAccountPage (with button bar to navigate back to LoginPage).

In App.xaml.cs I have:
NavigationService.NavigateASync("LoginPage");  //I'm not sure if the LoginPage should be in NavigationStack, maybe be presented in Modal way

In LoginPageViewModel, I have a Command that simply call


When the user press this button to create an account, the NewAccountPage is properly called but I get an error when the code flow finish to call the NavigationAsync("NewAccountPage");

The error is something like this :

Unhandled Exception:System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements ocurred

I have no idea how to handle with this, could someone review if I'm making any mistake?

unfortunately, there is not enough information to help. Also you have conflicting information in your description as you are not using a NavigationPage anywhere, but you say you are. Please clarify your issue and provide much more detail.user5420778

2 Answers


This has been answered on your other post on the Xamarin.Forms forum:

