
I have a Delphi 2007 project and I'm trying to set the Project->Options->'Version Info'. I enter the values into the form and save the project. However, when I build, the generated exe doesn't contain the Version Info that I entered. In fact, it only contains the File Version, Language and Product Version - none of the other values like Internal name, Product name etc...

I noticed that the values do not get saved to the .dproj file. So I tried entering them manually into the xml of said file, saving, and building. Again, the Version Info is incomplete for the exe.

By Version Info (in Windows), I mean what you see when you right-click on the exe and choose properties and click on the Version tab.

EDIT: I should probably also mention that this is a Test project using DUnit.

Anyone have any ideas?


2 Answers


IIRC those values are still saved in the .res file. Are you deleting/modifying it someway?


In addition to the .res file, as a last resort you could delete the .dproj file, Delphi can recreate it from the .dpr file, but you lose your complete build configuration settings and they will be reset to defaults.