I am using MPU6050 with arduino. It reads something but not numerical values!
1- Connections are the same as in below.
2- Then I added i2cdev library from here and mpu6050 library from here
I copied them to C:\Program Files\Arduino\libraries.
3- I tried DMP6 example and it gives random characters
4- I tried MPU6050_raw example . You can see it constantly gives same characters but not numerical values
5- Here, I saw this topic MPU6050 DMP does not work? and uploaded i2c_scanner to device. It says "No I2c devices found". Why?
6- I saw another topic https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=404031.0 just the same as in my case. I also tried the code there, it seems working but it gives constantly -1 for accelerometer and gyro values even though I move MPU6050.
for the DMP6 example so you need your Serial monator at 115200 baud, too. AndSerial.begin(38400);
. Also pullAD0
to GND to fix its I2C address. When still doubt, read invensense.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/… . – Maximilian Gerhardt