I cannot authorize Google OAuth on ios, safari always say
400 That's an error.
Invalid parameter value for redirect_uri: Missing scheme: com.googleusercontent.apps.984813079630-3lmlrubo9345ng4qhtf62ud1i02m6ta8
I have checked API Key, Client_ID, client_secret on Google Console page many times and also create url scheme in the xcode.
Here are my Swift code:
oauthswift = OAuth2Swift( consumerKey: "xxxxx-3lmlrubo9345ng4qhtf62ud1i02m6ta8.apps.googleusercontent.com", consumerSecret: "xxxtg6qslUOC2np1sBg0hnWgBcpZb4", authorizeUrl: "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth", responseType: "token" ) let handle = oauthswift.authorize( withCallbackURL: URL(string: "com.googleusercontent.apps.984813079630-3lmlrubo9345ng4qhtf62ud1i02m6ta8")!, scope: "profile", state:"GOOGLE", success: { credential, response, parameters in print(credential.oauthToken) // Do your request }, failure: { error in print(error.localizedDescription) } )
Could you help me ?