In Azure, there are a few different ways of retrieving Application Settings and Connection Strings. However, connection strings work a little differently than vanilla application settings.
Application Settings can be retrieved by any method, regardless of whether or not they are present in the Web.config
Connection Strings can also be retrieved by any method if the string is defined in Web.config
. However, if the connection string is NOT defined in Web.config
, then it can only be retrieved using the Environment Variable method.
Retrieving as Environment Variable
Note that the keys must be prepended with a string designating their type when using this method.
All Application Settings use the APPSETTING_
Connection Strings have a different prefix depending on the type of database selected when creating the string in the portal:
"Sql Databases" --> "SQLAZURECONNSTR_my-connection-string-key"
"SQL Server" --> "SQLCONNSTR_my-connection-string-key"
"MySQL" --> "MYSQLCONNSTR_my-connection-string-key"
"Custom" --> "CUSTOMCONNSTR_my-connection-string-key"
For a full overview, see the Windows Azure Web Sites documentation.
Reading app settings later in my web application works fine.
? Under what conditions you're getting this value as null? Please update your question with these details. – Gaurav Mantri