I am developing a website using Flask and Flask Restplus. I tried to use Google App Engine to deploy the app, however when I run dev_appserver.py on my computer, all the swagger-ui files cannot be found. I have no ideas why this happens? Can anyone tell me how to solve this?
Here is the example logs 404 for the resource:
INFO 2017-06-14 04:21:52,859 module.py:809] default: "GET /api/ HTTP/1.1" 200 3710
INFO 2017-06-14 04:21:53,113 module.py:809] default: "GET /swaggerui/bower/swagger-ui/dist/css/screen.css HTTP/1.1" 404 233
INFO 2017-06-14 04:21:53,113 module.py:809] default: "GET /swaggerui/bower/swagger-ui/dist/lib/jquery.slideto.min.js HTTP/1.1" 404 233
INFO 2017-06-14 04:21:53,115 module.py:809] default: "GET /swaggerui/bower/swagger-ui/dist/lib/object-assign-pollyfill.js HTTP/1.1" 404 233
INFO 2017-06-14 04:21:53,121 module.py:809] default: "GET /swaggerui/bower/swagger-ui/dist/css/typography.css HTTP/1.1" 404 233