
I want to use Bing Speech API with bot framework and I have downloaded a c# project from this link https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/bing/Speech-To-Text-Bot-using-db55e1d0

but in web.config it needs the following values to get the token: I tried with these values:

<add key="BotId" value="YourBotId" /> <add key="MicrosoftAppId" value="83da8d84-f5c0-488a-8ebf-1eb74f5437f8" /> <add key="MicrosoftAppPassword" value="CHCvJpjoCKwukJHU2J30djc" />

When I run the project with the values that I specified in MicrosoftAppId and MicrosoftAppPassword

The bot emulator throws the following error:

-> POST 401 [conversationUpdate] [10:00:42] Error: The bot's MSA appId or password is incorrect. [10:00:42] Edit your bot's MSA info

but I think I´m using the correct values. I got the appID and Passwordsecret from https://apps.dev.microsoft.com and I also tried with the appID and Password provided from bot framework registration portal when I registered my bot.

I don´t know if it could be because I am not providing the key="BotId" but I don´t know where can I get that ID.

You would help me a lot if you download the project and tell me how to make it work.


1 Answers


You don't need to fill the MicrosoftAppId and the MicrosoftAppPassword when using the emulator.

Also, here you will find another example of a bot using the Bing Speech-to-Text API.

And BTW, in case you require the AppId and AppPassword (e.g. when deploying the bot to Azure), the ones that you need to use are the ones that you got from the Bot registration portal