Below is the code from an answer regarding memoization, showing a memoization function used in the State monad, where the state is updated with the result of the passed function if the key is not already in the map.
type MyMemo a b = State (Map.Map a b) b
myMemo :: Ord a => (a -> MyMemo a b) -> a -> MyMemo a b
myMemo f x = do
map <- get
case Map.lookup x map of
Just y -> return y
Nothing -> do
y <- f x
modify $ \map' -> Map.insert x y map'
return y
It doesn't seem like idiomatic Haskell: it feels very imperative, with not really that much going on per line.
Is there a way to do the above, but in a more concise/functional style? I've had a look around the functions available at, but nothing really seems helpful.