I'm not sure if this is a Rails specific issue, hence the reason I tagged it ruby
as well.
I'm rendering a collection of event
records via a partial. However, I found that rendering the partial differently results in drastic performance differences.
Both version use the exact same data, the only thing changing is the code used to render the partials.
Why the heck is one version consistently 4x faster than the other? Makes me wonder what other performance hits I'm taking...
Slow version (950ms total request time):
<% events.each do |event| %>
<%= render partial: "events/event", locals: { event: event } %>
<% end %>
# Log output
Rendered events/_event.html.erb (1.1ms)
Rendered events/_event.html.erb (1.1ms)
Faster version (250ms total request time):
<%= render partial: "events/event", collection: events, as: :event %>
# Log output
Rendered events/_event.html.erb (58.7ms)
times, in the second it happens only once. This situation (loops being slower) occurs in other places in Rails as well, such as DB queries. It's called "N+1" – max pleaner