
I'm refactoring a simple web project that originally uses icefaces-ee 1.8 with icepush, then was uploaded to icefaces-ee 3.3.0 with icepush, but never actually require them. I'm replacing the 'ee' libraries to community libraries, and droping the icepush funtionality to a simple icefaces project. My maven icefaces dependencies are:


it compiles but when I try to deploy the war into glassfish 3, I get this error
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.icefaces.util.EnvUtils.getWarnBeforeExpiryInterval(Ljavax/faces/context/FacesContext;)

effectively, I see that the class EnvUtils, in the icefaces-3.3.0.jar, lacks that method.

which functionality uses this? how can I avoid this error?


1 Answers


One of the workaround is to upgrade ICEfaces to 4.0.0. EnvUtils.getWarnBeforeExpiryInterval(FacesContext)has been introduced since version 4.0.0.

See also: