I have a QWidget that contains multiple children. The ultimate goal is to be able to drag and drop from one widget to the other, moving something between widgets. I've got a signal being fired to my parent widget's controller and can determine when the drag is starting and ending correctly. My current problem is determining whether or not the mouse is above the target widget on mouse up.
I got excited when I saw underMouse in the docs, but it doesn't work during drag and drop events (when I tested, it seemed to return incorrect values). Failing this, my goal was to find the rectangle containing the target widget and find whether it contained the mouse coordinates on a mouse up. I can't simply use contentsRect, since it returns positions relative to the widget it is being called on. I thought that mapToGlobal would give me absolute screen pixel values, but it keeps failing as well. I tried calling mapTo on the parent widget's window, but that also seemed to fail.
Below is code showing the various QRects and QPoints I've gotten with the various methods. Maybe there's a simple error with one of them, so I've provided them all.
QRect relativeWidgetRect = targetWidget->contentsRect();
QRect *absoluteWidgetRect = new QRect(QWidget::mapToGlobal(relativeWidgetRect.topLeft()), QWidget::mapToGlobal(relativeWidgetRect.bottomRight()));
QRect *widgetRect = new QRect(mapTo(window(), relativeWidgetRect.topLeft()), mapTo(window(), relativeWidgetRect.bottomRight()));
QPoint relativeMousePos = QCursor::pos();
QPoint absoluteMousePos = QWidget::mapToGlobal(relativeMousePos);
QPoint widgetMousePos = mapTo(window(), relativeMousePos);
mapToParent won't work for my purposes, since the target widget is actually parented by a child of the top-level parent.
Update Here's the code that ended up working out. In my top-level widget (that was an ancestor to both the source and target widgets), I added this:
QRect widgetRect = targetWidget->Geometry();
QPoint mousePos = targetWidget->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos());
// Logic
methods returns coordinates relative to its parent, so it seems in the next line your should add parent widget referenceparentWidget()->
:QPoint mousePos = targetWidget->parentWidget()->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos());
– RedSoft