
I have created a private VSTS build agent that tries to build my .net core project. I've installed the latest version of the .net core SDK on the build machine, but when I kick off a build it tries to use the version of the dotnet.exe installed in the agent build folder (c:\agent\bin\dotnet.exe), rather than the newly installed version in c:\Program Files\dotnet...

Is there any way to tell the build definition where to look for the latest dotnet.exe?

UPDATE I just restarted the build agent service and all seems fine now,

So it used the newly installed dotnet.exe now? If you solve the problem, you can give it as answer and mark it. And it will help others who have similar questions.Marina Liu
Yes, it now uses the new dotnet.exe, unfortunately I don't seem to be able to mark my question as the answer.Slicc
Yeah, comments can't be marked. You can write it in answer and mark it.Marina Liu

1 Answers


As per my update above, restarting the build agent fixed the problem. The build agent now uses the latest version of dotnet.exe.