
I have a multi-line text in one of the cells in kendo grid. Kendo template works fine for simple text but not for text which have a new line or next line(\n) or multi-line. There might be some problem in template code.

Here is the edit template in grid

 { field: "", title: "Action", sortable: true, headerTemplate: createHeaderTemplate1("Action"),
 template: '<a  onclick="EditStatus(${StatusId},${ReasonId},${EmployeeId},&quot;${Description}&quot;, &quot;${DescriptionDate}&quot;)"  
 class="tdEdit margin-right10" title="Edit">Edit</a>' }

Below function gets called in all the cases except if Description field in the grid have multi-line.

function EditStatus(StatusId,ReasonId,EmployeeId ,Description,DescriptionDate)
  // to Do

How multiline text it appears in fire bug:

<a onclick="EditStatus(50162, 2,27,&quot;This is new comment to test.
But we need to check difference between space and enter.
Here and then save it.&quot;, &quot;Sat Jun 10 2017 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)&quot;)" class="tdEdit margin-right10" title="Edit">Edit</a>

whereas in the case when there is no multiline, it works fine and it shows like below in browser

<a onclick="EditStatus(50157, 1,27,&quot;hi&quot;, &quot;Mon Jun 05 2017 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)&quot;)" class="tdEdit margin-right10" title="Edit">Edit</a>
At what point do you experience the problem? When description is multi-lined and "Edit" is clicked?Shai
The above template works fine for editing a row in kendo grid. But suppose one row is having description field which is a multi-line text i.e user saved it using enter key. For that instance, "EditStatus" function does not gets called and its due to character literal. I think the string which is getting set automatically is not able to judge the new line in it. Please see the difference b/w both edit template. It works fine if it only have text "hi" but it does not work if it have a text with new line like"This is new comment to test. But we need to check difference between space and enter."Sweetie
I'm asking when do you get the error message? Is it when you click "Edit"?Shai
yes. you are right. When Description is multi-lined and Edit is clicked then the "Edit Status" function does not get called and chrome says "Invalid or unexpected token". Where as firefox says ":unterminated string literal"Sweetie

1 Answers


Try this:

template: '<a  onclick="EditStatus(${StatusId},${ReasonId},${EmployeeId},`&quot;${Description}&quot;`, &quot;${DescriptionDate}&quot;)" class="tdEdit margin-right10" title="Edit">Edit</a>'

I added backticks (`) to enclose the Description argument.