I'm new to Chef and ruby and working through a training project and I've gotten hung up on something which is probably very simple but I have exhausted my ability to google search and/or beat into submission. I have the following resource...
directory node['tcbuildagent']['toolsfolderpath'] do
action :create
owner 'BUILTIN\\Administrators'
group 'BUILTIN\\Administrators'
rights :read_execute, 'Everyone', applies_to_children: true
...and my spec looks like...
it 'creates creates tools directory' do
expect(chef_run).to create_directory('c:\fakepathone').with(
owner: 'BUILTIN\\Administrators',
group: 'BUILTIN\\Administrators',
rights: [{ permissions: 'read_execute', principals: 'Everyone', applies_to_children: true }]
...for the life of me I cannot get the test for rights portion to work. My most recent error is...
1) tcbuildagent::default creates creates tools directory
expect(chef_run).to create_directory('c:\fakepathone').with(
owner: 'BUILTIN\\Administrators',
group: 'BUILTIN\\Administrators',
rights: [{ permissions: 'read_execute', principals: 'Everyone', applies_to_children: true }]
expected "directory[c:\fakepathone]" to have parameters:
rights [{:permissions=>"read_execute", :principals=>"Everyone", :applies_to_children=>true}], was [{:permissions=>:read_execute, :principals=>"Everyone", :applies_to_children=>true}]
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# ./spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb:19:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
...but I have seen many other errors along the way.
What am I missing here? Thanks.