I am using a pipeline in a jenkinsfile and I am not sure how to properly link the job in Jenkins and the pipeline.
I defined parameters in my jenkinsfile (some with default values, some without) and have them initialized from the parameters coming from jenkins gui. The problem is that it seams the parameters in my pipeline are overiding my job parameters, EVEN when no default value is specified in the pipeline which means the pipeline is overriding my job setup in jenkins.
for example, one of my job is setup to run the pipeline with some specific values (all NON-EMPTY), if I trigger the job, the pipeline seem to reset the properties to '' for fields b and c.
How to I get the pipeline to not touch my jenkins job definition?
e.g. the params in the pipeline:
string(name: 'a', defaultValue: 'Default A value', description: '', ),
string(name: 'b', description: '', ),
string(name: 'c', description: '', ),
I am not find any help in the documentation at https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax/#parameters-example