
i need to grant all privileges for user master to the database 'mysql'(i mean the database not the server) on amazon RDS i am trying to use

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mysql.* To 'master'@'aurora-wqeqwe-rdscluster-1jjch50tq2n3s.qrwerw-2.rds.amazon
aws.com' IDENTIFIED BY 'm3vyrtywrsY026y';
I hope you didn't just post your master password to the internet! You might want to change that.Bill Karwin
@BillKarwin the password and the URI are fakeMelad Basilius

3 Answers


You can't grant SUPER privilege on RDS, so you can't use the ALL PRIVILEGES shortcut.

Sorry, you must name the privileges you want to grant explicitly, even if it means listing every privilege except SUPER.

You also can't grant privileges you don't have. I'm not sure your user has privileges to the mysql database. You can find out what privileges you have with SHOW GRANTS.


In your example is "master" any user or is it the name of your RDS Master User account? For the latter take a look at https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/duplicate-master-user-mysql/


I was also stuck with the same problem a while ago ad came across with this solution GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON '%'.* To 'master'@'aurora-wqeqwe-rdscluster-1jjch50tq2n3s.qrwerw-2.rds.amazon aws.com' IDENTIFIED BY 'm3vyrtywrsY026y'; This worked for me. for more information you can check the following link http://www.fidian.com/problems-only-tyler-has/using-grant-all-with-amazons-mysql-rds