
Preparing to start the job... Downloading build artifacts... Target: https://api.ng.bluemix.net Creating service instance simple-rbs-cloudantNoSQLDB in org foodue / space dev as [email protected]... OK Service simple-rbs-cloudantNoSQLDB already exists Using manifest file /home/pipeline/f1a258a3-836b-4192-9f3d-c81f0e0448bf/manifest.yml

Creating app simple-rbs-foodue in org foodue / space dev as [email protected]... OK

Creating route simple-rbs.mybluemix.net... OK

FAILED Server error, status code: 400, error code: 210003, message: The host is taken: simple-rbs

Finished: FAILED

It says the host is already taken. Do you have any ideas how to fix this problem?


1 Answers


The host is already taken error means that either you or another user are already using that hostname and it is not available for use. To use a different hostname, modify your manifest.yml file to specify what host to use, or remove the host parameter to default to using <your-app-name>.mybluemix.net.

Example manifest.yml file specifying hostname of my-simple-rbs-hostname.mybluemix.net:

 - name: simple-rbs
   host: my-simple-rbs-hostname
   domain: mybluemix.net

See the Deploying with Application Manifests for more information on options in the manifest.yml file.