
Lets suppose I have an Item with 5 versions. (I am not talking about language versions).

I would like to compare all the versions to identify the differencies. Is there some thing available out of box from Sitecore to do this task? Or I have have to loop over all the versions and then all the fields to find the differences.

Do not understand the question, You can use the version compair function in Sitecore, and select to different version of an item to compair. why loop over all versions?Jan Bluemink
Are you talking about this Sitecore version compare. I want to show info to normal users who are not content editors.Kamran
Yes, but I understand now that you want something for website visitors? so programtically, I don't think it is in SitecoreJan Bluemink

1 Answers


No, there is nothing like that out of the box. You will have to compare fields one by one.

Remember that some of the fields should be ignored (like __Updated, __ValidFrom, __Workflow State, etc).

Remember that it's not easy to display what was changed in Blob fields.

And here is a code for you to start with:

FieldCollection fields = version1.Fields;
foreach (Field field1 in fields)
    if (field1.ShouldBeTranslated)
        Field field2 = version2.Fields[field1.ID];
        var value1 = field1.Value;
        var value2 = field2.Value;
        ... // whatever you need here

Make sure you add all the necessary null checks! I skipped them for the clarity.