
I just started using Postman. I had this error "Error: socket hang up" when I was executing a collection runner. I've read a few post regarding socket hang up and it mention about sending a request and there's no response from the server side and probably timeout. How do I extend the length of time of the request in Postman Collection Runner?

Are single requests / tests working?Valentin Despa
nope. its not working. Im sending a file(an image with the size 20kb)kenn_ross
Have same issue. I run postman collection 100 times (with different variables) and 1-2 requests failed with socked hang up.IlyaEremin
You can change the timeout 0 in the settings to eliminate the timeout. but Socket hang up is not a timeout error. I'm facing the same thing on a form post.Aaron McMillin
I am getting the error as well on a post request I have been executing all day, and that still works in SOAP-UI. No clue what is causing the issue...Zoop

16 Answers


Socket hang up, error is port related error. I am sharing my experience. When you use same port for connecting database, which port is already in use for other service, then "Socket Hang up" error comes out.

eg:- port 6455 is dedicated port for some other service or connection. You cannot use same port (6455) for making a database connection on same server.


Sometimes, this error rises when a client waits for a response for a very long time. This can be resolved using the 202 (Accepted) Http code. This basically means that you will tell the server to start the job you want it to do, and then, every some-time-period check if it has finished the job.

If you are the one who wrote the server, this is relatively easy to implement. If not, check the documentation of the server you're using.


Postman was giving "Could not get response" "Error: socket hang up". I solved this problem by adding the Content-Length http header to my request


Are you using nodemon, or some other file-watcher? In my case, I was generating some local files, uploading them, then sending the URL back to my user. Unfortunately nodemon would see the "changes" to the project, and trigger a restart before a response was sent. I ignored the build directories from my file-watcher and solved this issue.

Here is the Nodemon readme on ignoring files: https://github.com/remy/nodemon#ignoring-files


I have just faced the same problem and I fixed it by close my VPN. So I guess that's a network agent problem. You can check if you have some network proxy is on.


Socket hang up error could be due to the wrong URL of the API you are trying to access in the postman. please check the URL once carefully.


I solved this problem with disconnection my vpn. you should check if there is vpn connected.


this happaned when client wait for response for long time try to sync your API requests from postman

then make login post and your are done


"socket hang up" is proxy related issue. when we run same collection with the help of newman on jenkins then all test are passed. change the proxy setting https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/cf-cli/http-proxy.html


If Postman doesn't get response within a specified time it will throw the error "socket hang up".

I was doing something like below to achieve 60 minutes of delay between each scenario in a collection:

get https://postman-echo.com/delay/10
pre request script :-
setTimeout(function(){}, [50000]);

I reduced time duration to 30 seconds:

setTimeout(function(){}, [20000]);

After that I stopped getting this error.


I had the same issue: "Error: socket hang up" when sending a request to store a file and backend logs mentioned a timeout as you described. In my case I was using mongoDB and the real problem was my collection’s array capacity was full. When I cleared the documents in that collection the error was dismissed. Hope this will help someone who faces a similar scenario.


It's possible there are 2 things, happening at the same time.

  1. The url contains a port which is not commonly used AND
  2. you are using a VPN or proxy that does not support that port.

I had this problem. My server port was 45860 and I was using pSiphon anti-filter VPN. In that condition my Postman reported "connection hang-up" only when server's reply was an error with status codes bigger than 0. (It was fine when some text was returning from server with no error code.)

When I changed my web service port to 8080 on my server, WOW, it worked! even though pSiphon VPN was connected.


Following on Abhay's answer: double check the scheme. A server that is secured may disconnect if you call an https endpoint with http.

This happened to me while debugging an ASP.NET Core API running on localhost using the local cert. Took me a while to figure out since it was inside a Postman environment and also it was a Monday.


"Socket Hung Up" can be on-premise issue some time's, because, of bottle neck in %temp% folder, try to free up the "temp" folder and give a try


I fixed this issue by disabling Postman token header.screenshot


What helped for me was replacing 'localhost' in the url to or whatever other address your local machine has assigned localhost to.