I’m trying to implement a 32 point FFT - Equalizer - iFFT
On a step by step basis. I input a Time domain signal to a FFT block and then used iFFT to obtain the original data back.
Naturally after FFT, I get 32 points of symmetrical real and imaginary data.
I tried,
Step 1:
fft_sig = fft(data_processing_block); %FFT of the signal
ifft_sig = ifft(fft_sig); %iFFT of the signal
The output matches the input. Works like a charm.
Step 2:
fft_sig = fft(data_processing_block); %FFT of the signal
after_eq_re = real(fft_sig);
after_eq_im = imag(fft_sig);
after_eq = after_eq_re + (i*after_eq_im);
ifft_sig = ifft(after_eq); %iFFT of the signal
This also works just fine.
Step 3:
fft_sig = fft(data_processing_block); %FFT of the signal
after_eq_re = real(fft_sig).*1.0; % Multiply Real data with a constant
after_eq_im = imag(fft_sig).*1.0; % Multiply Imag data with a constant
after_eq = after_eq_re + (i*after_eq_im);
ifft_sig = ifft(after_eq); %iFFT of the signal
This also works fine.
Step 4:
I replaced the constant (1.0) with an Equalizer table. Of size 32.
Eq_data_32 =[0.0;0.1347;0.2117;0.2956;0.4146;0.5300;0.5615;0.5195;0.4391;0.3621;0.2816;0.1977;0.1837;0.1172;0.0857;0.0577;0.0;0.0577;0.0857;0.1172;0.1837;0.1977;0.2816;0.3621;0.4391;0.5195;0.5615;0.5300;0.4146;0.2956;0.2117;0.1347];
Eq_data_32(1) and Eq_data_32(17) are zeros. Eq_data_32(2:16) is symmetrical to Eq_data_32(18:32).
re_Eq_data_32 = Eq_data_32; % Equalizer data for real values
im_Eq_data_32 = -(re_Eq_data_32); % Equalizer data for imaginary values
fft_sig = fft(data_processing_block); %FFT of the signal
after_eq_re = real(fft_sig).*re_Eq_data_32';
after_eq_im = imag(fft_sig).*im_Eq_data_32';
after_eq = after_eq_re + (i*after_eq_im);
ifft_sig = ifft(after_eq); %iFFT of the signal
Now the output is distorted and does not sound good. I think this is due to symmetry of the Equalizer table. I can’t figure how to arrange the Equalizer table to preserve the symmetry. As far as I can tell, my real and imaginary Equalizer table are symmetric. So why can’t I get a clear output ?
Complete code:
Fs = 16000; % sampling frequency
no_samples = 640; % no of samples
Freq1 = 1000; % Frequency 1 of the signal
Freq2 = 2500; % Frequency 2 of the signal
Freq3 = 3500; % Frequency 3 of the signal
Amp = 0.1;
t = 1/Fs*((1:no_samples)-1); % time duration, t = 1/Fs
Input_sig_16k = Amp*sin(2*pi*Freq1*t)+Amp*sin(2*pi*Freq2*t)+Amp*sin(2*pi*Freq3*t); % Multitone Input Signal
% Equlizer data
Eq_data_32 =[0.0;0.1347;0.2117;0.2956;0.4146;0.5300;0.5615;0.5195;0.4391;0.3621;0.2816;0.1977;0.1837;0.1172;0.0857;0.0577;0.0;0.0577;0.0857;0.1172;0.1837;0.1977;0.2816;0.3621;0.4391;0.5195;0.5615;0.5300;0.4146;0.2956;0.2117;0.1347];
re_Eq_data_32 = Eq_data_32; % Equalizer data for real values
im_Eq_data_32 = -(re_Eq_data_32);
window_size = 32;
for ii = 1:(length(Input_sig_16k)/window_size)-1
data_range = (((ii-1)*window_size)+1:((ii-1)*window_size)+32);
data_block = Input_sig_16k(data_range);
fft_sig = fft(data_block); %FFT of the signal
after_eq_re = real(fft_sig).*re_Eq_data_32'; % Multiply real portion of FFT with Equalizer
after_eq_im = imag(fft_sig).*im_Eq_data_32'; % Mutliply imaginary portion with Equalizer
after_eq = after_eq_re + (i*after_eq_im);
ifft_sig = ifft(fft_sig); %iFFT of the signal
data_full(data_range) = ifft_sig; % Output signal
plot(Input_sig_16k,'-og'), grid on; % plot and compare both the signals
hold on;
hold off;
32 of length? – Ander Bigurifftshift
? – Shai