We are running a cloud service on two different instances. This cloud service spins up a receiver on a service bus queue. This receiver is configured as: 1. Peek and lock mode 2. Auto complete = true 3. RenewLockTimeout = 10 mins 4. MaxConcurrentMessages = 1 5. PrefetchCount = default (should be 0)
For what I know this means that a maximum of two messages are processed at the same time (one per instance) and messages are automatically removed from the queue as soon as the message handler is completed.
Now, few days ago Azure decided to update our instances. I've seen from the log that at 18.18 the first instance was requested to stop. At 18.24 the instance was stopped and at 18.27 came back online. At 18.28 the second instance was requested to stop and at 18.35 it was back online.
Seven messages has been enqueued at 18.23. One of them produced the expected record on the DB (i.e. the handler was executed successfully). The other 6, NO. Dead letter queue is enabled, but empty.
In theory my code should stop receiving messages as soon as the roles enter in the OnStop method. A cancellation token is canceled and the message handler is "paused" introducing a delay for 10 mins (so, for what I know, the message shouldn't be completed and then it should be processed again). So I cannot say If the first message has been processed by the first or the second machine. But it was processed. And I'm sure that the other 6 were in the queue.
If there is an exception in the message handler, I send it to Application Insights and rethrow (to let the handler fail and process the message again). But I have no evidence of that.
I think I've checked everything, and I cannot tell why those messages disappeared. In your experience, what should that be?
Is that normal that Azure waits for 5 minutes after shutting down? Or is that a signal that I'm not honoring the cancellation token?