I'm new to GC Dataflow and didn't find a relevant answer here. Apologies if I should have found this already answered.
I'm trying to create a simple pipeline using the v2.0 SDK and am having trouble reading data into my PCollection using BigQueryIO. I am using the .withQuery method and I have tested the query in the BigQuery interface and it seems to be working fine. The initial PCollection seems to get created without any issues, but when I think setup a simple ParDo function to convert the values from the TableRow into a PCollection I am getting a NullPointerException on the line of code that does the .get on the TableRow object.
Here is my code. (I'm probably missing something simple. I'm a total newbie at Pipeline programming. Any input would be most appreciated.)
public class ClientAutocompletePipeline {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClientAutocompletePipeline.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create the pipeline
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(
// A step to read in the product names from a BigQuery table
p.apply(BigQueryIO.read().fromQuery("SELECT name FROM [beaming-team-169321:Products.raw_product_data]"))
.apply("ExtractProductNames", ParDo.of(new DoFn<TableRow, String>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
// Grab a row from the BigQuery Results
TableRow row = c.element();
// Get the value of the "name" column from the table row.
//NOTE: This is the line that is giving me the NullPointerException
String productName = row.get("name").toString();
// Make sure it isn't empty
if (!productName.isEmpty()) {
The query definitely works in the BigQuery UI and the column called "name" is returned when I test the query. Why am I getting a NullPointerException on this line:
String productName = row.get("name").toString();
Any ideas?
column guaranteed not to be null? – Elliott BrossardSELECT name FROM [beaming-team-169321:Products.raw_product_data] where name is null
in BigQuery you'll see that there are null values. So, you need to take this into consideration in your pipeline. – Graham Polley