Right now I'm doing automation testing for a small company. I have been doing this for about half a year. But there is a problem: I have absolutely no experience creating such a system. From sticks and guana I created a working system and even implemented it, but I feel that many things can be improved.
I am using TestRail and Java.
At the moment the picture looks like this:
- Create cases in the TestRail (test management system).
- Unite cases in to suites.
- Write code for every test.
- Mark every test with annotation for matching test code and test case from TestRail.
- When tests is launched they will create test run for every suite.
- Then run tests with run id as argument.
- Tests will ask TestRail for list of test cases from this run.
- Using reflection they will find all required classes.
- Run them via JInit 4.
- Send report into TestRail.
I am sure that such a mechanism of test runs with test case control already exists, but Google only tries to sell me qa automation lectures.
Do you have any suggestions about:
- tools, that I should use;
- flow moments, that can be improved.