how to get the table row count of all the tables present in particular schema in postgresql 9.5? I would like to have the result as table_name | row_count. How this can be done using query?
2 Answers
n_live_tup Estimated number of live rows
t=# select relname,n_live_tup
from pg_stat_all_tables
where schemaname = 'public'
order by n_live_tup desc
limit 3;
relname | n_live_tup
x_pricing | 96493977
x_forum | 57696510
x_uploading | 55477043
(3 rows)
Of course that data will be up to some approximation level. to count the exact number, you will need dynamic plpgsql (which btw will give you closer numbers, but still up to some approximation level). Both approximations depend on how often you change data and run vacuum...
The benefit of this approach is of course less resources consumed (load and time). The benefit of count(*) is more precise result at price of server load and time waiting