I'm creating a database using MS Access, that allows a user to select a person and a week and view the shifts that person is going to do.
Here's my problem, I've got the code working using a DLookup to search for the staff member using the pid, and searching for a particular day as follows:
'Look up shifts
If IsNull(DLookup("Monday", "tblShifts", "[SPID]= " & SPID)) Then
MsgBox "Sorry missing shifts", vbCritical, "Error"
selectedDate = Form_frmMain.cboWeekCommencing.Value
'MsgBox selectedDate 'shows selected date
MonShift = DLookup("Monday", "tblShifts", "[SPID]= " & SPID & " AND [WeekBegin]= #" & selectedDate & "#")
TueShift = DLookup("Tuesday", "tblShifts", "[SPID]= " & SPID & " AND [WeekBegin]= #" & selectedDate & "#")
WedShift = DLookup("Wednesday", "tblShifts", "[SPID]= " & SPID & " AND [WeekBegin]= #" & selectedDate & "#")
ThurShift = DLookup("Thursday", "tblShifts", "[SPID]= " & SPID & " AND [WeekBegin]= #" & selectedDate & "#")
FriShift = DLookup("Friday", "tblShifts", "[SPID]= " & SPID & " AND [WeekBegin]= #" & selectedDate & "#")
SatShift = DLookup("Saturday", "tblShifts", "[SPID]= " & SPID & " AND [WeekBegin]= #" & selectedDate & "#")
End If
Image of form being used in the database:
Selection of table used in DLookup:
From the above image, the date drop-down is populated from the following code on the form load:
thisWeek = Date - Weekday(Date, vbMonday) + 1
nextWeek = Date - Weekday(Date, vbMonday) + 8
weekAfter = Date - Weekday(Date, vbMonday) + 15
cboWeekCommencing.AddItem (thisWeek)
cboWeekCommencing.AddItem (nextWeek)
cboWeekCommencing.AddItem (weekAfter)
These each relate to week commencing 22/05/2017
, 29/05/2017
, 05/06/2017
. When either the list box or drop-down box are changed the top function is called to populate the shifts, however when I select the weeks of either 22/05/2017
and 29/05/2017
it works fine, but when 05/06/2017
is selected the DLookup returns NULL values.
A few things I've tried are changing the weeks to the later weeks, again it works fine if the date is set to 19/06/2017
, or 26/06/2017
but again doesn't work when the 12/06/2017
is used as the date.
Everything works fine when just the staff ID is used.
Does anyone have any idea why this might happen?