If there is an unlimited number of every coin then the complexity is O(n*m)
where is n
is the total change and m
is the number of coin types. Now when the coins for every type are limited then we have to take into account the remaining coins. I managed to make it work with a complexity of O(n*m2)
using another for of size n
so I can track the remaining coins for each type. Is there a way-trick to make the complexity better? EDIT : The problem is to compute the least ammount of coins required to make the exact given change and the number of times that we used each coin type
2 Answers
There is no need for an extra loop. You need to:
- recurse with a depth of at most m (number of coins) levels, dealing with one specific coin per recursion level.
- Loop at most n times at each recursion level in order to decide how many you will take of a given coin.
Here is how the code would look in Python 3:
def getChange(coins, amount, coinIndex = 0):
if amount == 0:
return [] # success
if coinIndex >= len(coins):
return None # failure
coin = coins[coinIndex]
coinIndex += 1
# Start by taking as many as possible from this coin
canTake = min(amount // coin["value"], coin["count"])
# Reduce the number taken from this coin until success
for count in range(canTake, -1, -1): # count will go down to zero
# Recurse to decide how many to take from the next coins
change = getChange(coins, amount - coin["value"] * count, coinIndex)
if change != None: # We had success
if count: # Register this number for this coin:
return change + [{ "value": coin["value"], "count": count }]
return change
# Example data and call:
coins = [
{ "value": 20, "count": 2 },
{ "value": 10, "count": 2 },
{ "value": 5, "count": 3 },
{ "value": 2, "count": 2 },
{ "value": 1, "count": 10 }
result = getChange(coins, 84)
Output for the given example:
{'value': 1, 'count': 5},
{'value': 2, 'count': 2},
{'value': 5, 'count': 3},
{'value': 10, 'count': 2},
{'value': 20, 'count': 2}
Minimising the number of coins used
As stated in comments, the above algorithm returns the first solution it finds. If there is a requirement that the number of individual coins must be minimised when there are multiple solutions, then you cannot return
halfway a loop, but must retain the "best" solution found so far.
Here is the modified code to achieve that:
def getchange(coins, amount):
minCount = None
def recurse(amount, coinIndex, coinCount):
nonlocal minCount
if amount == 0:
if minCount == None or coinCount < minCount:
minCount = coinCount
return [] # success
return None # not optimal
if coinIndex >= len(coins):
return None # failure
bestChange = None
coin = coins[coinIndex]
# Start by taking as many as possible from this coin
cantake = min(amount // coin["value"], coin["count"])
# Reduce the number taken from this coin until 0
for count in range(cantake, -1, -1):
# Recurse, taking out this coin as a possible choice
change = recurse(amount - coin["value"] * count, coinIndex + 1,
coinCount + count)
# Do we have a solution that is better than the best so far?
if change != None:
if count: # Does it involve this coin?
change.append({ "value": coin["value"], "count": count })
bestChange = change # register this as the best so far
return bestChange
return recurse(amount, 0, 0)
coins = [{ "value": 10, "count": 2 },
{ "value": 8, "count": 2 },
{ "value": 3, "count": 10 }]
result = getchange(coins, 26)
{'value': 8, 'count': 2},
{'value': 10, 'count': 1}
Here's an implementation of an O(nm) solution in Python.
If one defines C(c, k) = 1 + x^c + x^(2c) + ... + x^(kc)
, then the program calculates the first n+1
coefficients of the polynomial product(C(c[i], k[i]), i = 1...ncoins)
. The j
'th coefficient of this polynomial is the number of ways of making change for j
When all the k
s are unlimited, this polynomial product is easy to calculate (see, for example: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20743780/1400793). When limited, one needs to be able to calculate running sums of k
terms efficiently, which is done in the program using the rs
# cs is a list of pairs (c, k) where there's k
# coins of value c.
def limited_coins(cs, n):
r = [1] + [0] * n
for c, k in cs:
# rs[i] will contain the sum r[i] + r[i-c] + r[i-2c] + ...
rs = r[:]
for i in xrange(c, n+1):
rs[i] += rs[i-c]
# This line effectively performs:
# r'[i] = sum(r[i-j*c] for j=0...k)
# but using rs[] so that the computation is O(1)
# and in place.
r[i] += rs[i-c] - (0 if i<c*(k+1) else rs[i-c*(k+1)])
return r[n]
for n in xrange(50):
print n, limited_coins([(1, 3), (2, 2), (5, 3), (10, 2)], n)