
I want to import some classes in Protege from different ontologies to my ontology. For example, I need the classes foaf:Person, org:Site, vcard:Organization, and many more.

I don't want to create them by myself (and modifying their IRI). When I did import the whole ontology (Schema.org, vCard, FOAF, …), I had many elements that I don't need.

Is there any way to do it?

Welcome to SO! See this comment. Is it sufficient for your needs?Stanislav Kralin
@StanislavKralin thank you. It is not sufficient. I know how to import an ontology and to create a class with specific URI (like http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person ). I need to import just specific classes from an ontology. I don't need to add 100 classes to my ontology that I won't use.Mohamed Sahbi
Have you looked at this thread: protege-project.136.n4.nabble.com/… ?Stanislav Kralin
@StanislavKralin I tried to use it, but it didn't work.Mohamed Sahbi

1 Answers


— Have you looked at this thread: protege-project.136.n4.nabble.com/…

— I tried to use it, but it didn't work.

There are subtle moments, especially on step 5.

  1. Open your target ontology.

target ontology

  1. Open the source ontology in the same window.

source ontology

  1. Select Refactor > Copy/move/delete axioms:

menu path

  1. Select axiom selection method.

import options

  1. Select signature (i. e. a set set of classes, properties etc.) to import. Do not forget to press >> !

select signature

  1. Now you can preview axioms to be imported.

axioms preview

  1. Select what you want to do:

operation selectio

8-9. Select your target ontology:

existing vs new

target ontology

  1. Voila!
