I'm developing a small web-app using python + flask + google app engine. I was just wondering if anyone has found a better debugging workflow (with a local server) than me?
At the moment, I'm stuck between two sub-optimal approaches:
1. Use local GAE server: dev_appserver.py app.yaml
- Con: only gives very minimal python error information
2. Use flask server: python main.py
- Con: doesn't reload when files changed
- Con: can't accept the same folder structure for serving local files as dev_appserver.py
My current workflow is to use dev_appserver.py until I run into python errors, at which point I edit main.py, quit dev_appserver.py, run the flask server, edit the browser address, and continue.
I've tried playing with the different dev_appserver.py logging settings, but that doesn't seem to influence whether python error messages are sent to the terminal window.
, etc.) which doesn't work with flask. So when I switch to flask, locally-served js and css files don't load, without even more faffing around. – Tom M/static/js/
, at least for me. – Luis Orduz