
I have an app written using Xamarin iOS and Android and it uses MvvmCross.

I would like to gradually migrate it to Xamarin Forms. So this would mean new views/controls would be Xamarin Forms, but existing views/Controls would be migrated over time as and when they need to change.

Is it possible for Xamarin Forms, iOS, Android and MvvmCross to co-exist int he same application?

If anyone has done this could you let me know how you went about this, and any problems issues you have come up against.


1 Answers


Here's a project someone is working on that will allow you to navigate to Xamarin Forms Pages as easily as you do Mvx Views.


The project has moved to a Fork of MVVMCross 5.0 here, https://github.com/munkii/MvvmCross/tree/develop/TestProjects/Forms/NativeToXF

Hope this helps.