There is a very good example for random access AES CTR mode and it works: Random access InputStream using AES CTR mode in android
private static final int AES_BLOCK_SIZE = 16;
private static IvParameterSpec calculateIVForOffset(final IvParameterSpec iv,
final long blockOffset) {
final BigInteger ivBI = new BigInteger(1, iv.getIV());
final BigInteger ivForOffsetBI = ivBI.add(BigInteger.valueOf(blockOffset
final byte[] ivForOffsetBA = ivForOffsetBI.toByteArray();
final IvParameterSpec ivForOffset;
if (ivForOffsetBA.length >= AES_BLOCK_SIZE) {
ivForOffset = new IvParameterSpec(ivForOffsetBA, ivForOffsetBA.length - AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
} else {
final byte[] ivForOffsetBASized = new byte[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
System.arraycopy(ivForOffsetBA, 0, ivForOffsetBASized, AES_BLOCK_SIZE
- ivForOffsetBA.length, ivForOffsetBA.length);
ivForOffset = new IvParameterSpec(ivForOffsetBASized);
return ivForOffset;
However, it doesn't work on AES GCM mode. I am getting garbage when decrypted. I am not encryption expert and was trying to crack it for couple days already. Maybe anyone can give any insight on it? My guess I need to change the IV calculation for offset somehow or it is something to do with an auth Tag (which I am not using).