I am working with the Google Cloud Natural Language API . My goal is to extract the sentences and sentiment inside a larger block of text and run sentiment analysis on them.
I am getting the following "unexpected indent" error. Based on my research, its doesn't appear to be a "basic" indent error (such as an rogue space etc.).
print('Sentence {} has a sentiment score of {}'.format(index,sentence_sentiment)
IndentationError:unexpected indent
the following line of code inside the for loop (see full code below) is causing the problem. If I remove it the issue goes away.
Also if I move this print statement outside the loop, I don't get an error, but only the last sentence of the large block of text is printed (as could be expected).
I am totally new to programming - so if someone can explain what I am doing wrong in very simple terms and point me in the right direction I would be really appreciative.
Full script below
from google.cloud import language
text = 'Terrible, Terrible service. I cant believe how bad this was.'
client = language.Client()
document = client.document_from_text(text)
sent_analysis = document.analyze_sentiment()
sentiment = sent_analysis.sentiment
annotations = document.annotate_text(include_sentiment=True, include_syntax=True, include_entities=True)
print ('this is the full text to be analysed:')
print('Here is the sentiment score and magnitude for the full text')
print(sentiment.score, sentiment.magnitude)
#now for the individual sentence analyses
for index, sentence in enumerate(annotations.sentences):
sentence_sentiment = sentence.sentiment.score
print('Sentence {} has a sentiment score of {}'.format(index, sentence_sentiment))