
I have configured 2 wso2 IS server instances in the local windows environment according to the documentation provided https://docs.wso2.com/display/CLUSTER44x/Clustering+Identity+Server+5.1.0%2C+5.2.0+and+5.3.0 and also the NGINX configuration with self signed certificates

I have been redirecting to the wso2 is login page of any one node but when logging in its redirecting to the login page again but at log showing

[2017-05-24 15:52:26,528] INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.services.util.CarbonAuthenticationUtil} - '[email protected] [-1234]' logged in at [2017-05-24 15:52:26,528+0530]

Its working properly with one node(other is down).

I am not able to figure out where is the issue, both nodes are working properly no error in the logs,

Please help ,

Thanks Pankaj


1 Answers


You will need to enable sticky sessions in nginx configurations. See WSO2 doc too.