
In Open, I have calibrated my cameras using stereo calibration function. then I have rectification left and right images. Until now, everything is working well.

But I don't know how to get the principal points of images for the left and right camera. I need them for triangulation the features from left and right images.

I have extrinsic and intrinsic parameters of the camera but I don't know how to calculate these principal points of rectified image.

When you do rectification you get projection matrix in the new (rectified) coordinate systems, P(0, 2) and P(1, 2) should correspond to cx and cy(principal points) . Proof: P = [KR, -Kt], since rectified therefore R = I, hence P = [K, -Kt]Optimus 1072
Thank you! It is exactly would you have mentioned! I have once more question if someone can help me would be great. Why we have fx and fy separately? in which condition they will be same fx=fy? for my triangulation I need only f which is focal length.A. Fasih
so pixels are not square , they are generally rectangle and hence we have fx and fy. Generally the difference between fx and fy is not too much, as far as I remember you can use any (or may be their mean), it wouldn't matter much.Optimus 1072
If your both questions are answered then should I explain it as an answer so that you can accept it and we can close this question?Optimus 1072
Thank you very much. Your answer was very useful for me.A. Fasih

1 Answers


When you do rectification you get projection matrix in the new (rectified) coordinate systems, P(0, 2) and P(1, 2) should correspond to cx and cy(principal points) . Proof: P = [KR, -Kt], since rectified therefore R = I , hence P = [K, -Kt].