The .NET EMS API is based on JMS. In JMS, the Connection and Session objects are specified to be thread-safe and can be reused within the program. You are quite correct in that the Connection object simply represent a network pipe to the EMS server. The EMS User's Guide states:
A connection is a fairly heavyweight object, so most clients will create a connection once and keep it open until the client exits. Your application can create multiple connections, if necessary.
And regarding sessions:
A Session is a single-threaded context for producing or consuming messages. You create Message Producers or Message Consumers using Session objects.
Essentially, unless you need very large volumes and are bumping into performance limitations, it's perfectly safe to use just one connection in your application. The session controls the transaction/acknowledgement semantics of any producers or consumers created within, but is again safe to reuse. I would probably use separate sessions for modules exist within the application with distinct life cycles (think separate deployment units within an application server).
Your EMS server installation will contain a samples directory with various code (something like C:\tibco\ems\5.0\samples\cs). The code in csTopicSubscriber.cs shows how to write a single-threaded topic consumer. There is no multi-threaded topic consumer example but csMsgConsumerPerf.cs demonstrates how to do it with queues.
Be sure to clean up any objects you create after you're done with them - e.g. close the topic consumer object, the session, and the connection when you're finished. Leaking handles without closing them can result in unpredictable behaviour when combined with prefetch and fault-tolerant reconnect settings.