
I tried to copy&paste data from one table to another and found the index match excel function very helpful. So one criteria is a number and the other is the date. I found a very good article about the function with multiple criteria but it doesn't work and i cant understand why. https://www.deskbright.com/excel/index-match-multiple-criteria/

I attached the file where i tried my luck. Maybe you can help me find my mistake. https://ufile.io/3kau7

Please put the relevant data in the OP using edit. many of us will not download files from the internet. Also show the actual formula you have tried.Scott Craner
=INDEX(F136:H140,MATCH(F144&G143,F136:F140&G135:H135,0)) I tried that as an array functionP.Schmid

1 Answers


No array formula needed:


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