
I have a release definition in TFS with 2 tasks. One of them passes perfectly, while the other throws an exception, though both have very smimlar configuration.

The successful task configuration:

CopyFile Task
Source: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/XXX Build Definition/drop
Machines $(WebServers)
Admin Login: server\user
Password: Password
Protocol: HTTP
Destination Folder: C:\DestFolder

Variables: WebServers: MyServer

The failing task configuration:

RunPowerShellOnRemoteComputer Task
Machines $(WebServers)
Admin Login: server\user
Password: Password
Protocol: HTTP

PowerShell Script: C:\...\script.ps1

Variables: WebServers: MyServer

When running the second task I receive this exception:

Exception calling "SetRight" with "2" argument(s): "Could not obtain the user information." CategoryInfo :NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException FullyQualifiedErrorId :Exception ---> System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: Exception calling "SetRight" with "2" argument(s): "Could not obtain the user information." --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.DevTestLabs.Deployment.Deployment.PowershellExecutor.Invoke(String errorContextMessage, Boolean writeResultToLog, Boolean isCancellable) at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.DevTestLabs.Deployment.Deployment.RemoteDeploymentHelper.InstallServiceInternal(String serviceSourcePath, String serviceName, String destinationFileName) at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.DevTestLabs.Deployment.Deployment.RemoteDeploymentHelper.InstallService(String serviceSourcePath, String serviceName, String destinationFileName) at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.DevTestLabs.Deployment.Deployment.DeploymentClient.d__24.MoveNext() ---> (Inner Exception #0) System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: Exception calling "SetRight" with "2" argument(s): "Could not obtain the user information."<--- Deployment status for machine 'bgsovswops.eu.hpecorp.net:5985' : 'Failed' ##[error], MethodInvocationException\r\n FullyQualifiedErrorId :Exception\r\n"}};] ##[error]System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: Failed to install 'VisualStudioRemoteDeployer3e199746-ae71-4ba0-a2ef-f5ce8f25a631' from service executable path VisualStudioRemoteDeployer.exe . Consult the logs below: Exception calling "SetRight" with "2" argument(s): "Could not obtain the user information." CategoryInfo :NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException FullyQualifiedErrorId :Exception
---> System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: Failed to install 'VisualStudioRemoteDeployer3e199746-ae71-4ba0-a2ef-f5ce8f25a631' from service executable path VisualStudioRemoteDeployer.exe . Consult the logs below: Exception calling "SetRight" with "2" argument(s): "Could not obtain the user information." CategoryInfo :NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException FullyQualifiedErrorId :Exception

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PipelineBase.Invoke(IEnumerable

input) at System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Worker.ConstructPipelineAndDoWork(Runspace rs, Boolean performSyncInvoke) at System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Worker.CreateRunspaceIfNeededAndDoWork(Runspace rsToUse, Boolean isSync) at System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.CoreInvokeHelper[TInput,TOutput](PSDataCollection1 input, PSDataCollection1 output, PSInvocationSettings settings) at System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.CoreInvoke[TInput,TOutput](PSDataCollection1 input, PSDataCollection1 output, PSInvocationSettings settings) at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Handlers.LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.VSTSPowerShellHost.Main(String[] args)

When I go to the remote machine, I succesfully execute the 'Invoke-Expression' on the C:...\script.ps1.

Also, I successfully connect from the local machines' powerscript console to the remote machine.

Any suggestions appreciated.


2 Answers


Please include the domain in the username variable. If it’s not domain environment, it should be the machine name.

So, just try to update the UPN user name format to DOMAIN\Username or MACHINENAME\Username format.


Check NetLogon Windows Service

The target server that I was deploying to reported this error. I already had the username for the PowerShell on Target Machines task set to use full DOMAIN\Username, per Andy's answer.

It turned out that the machine's NetLogon service had not started properly when the machine booted, due to it running on an abnormally busy VSphere cluster.

A reboot of the machine ensured that the NetLogon Windows Service, and its dependent services were all started, following which a redeploy succeeded.