I'm looking for a Delphi VCL component that allows my customers to visually create a database, that is, tables, fields, indexes, etc. Something like this: http://www.devart.com/blogs/dbforge/?p=136#more-136, but available as a third-party component to be embedded into an application. Do you know of something like this? I'm not looking for visual query builders, but database design components.
3 Answers
You could start by looking into ESS Model source code: ess model is a free & open source UML desing and UML reversing tool wich export model data to XMI-format. Once your model generated, you could take it on from there and generate your SQL scripts.
Download : http://essmodel.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/essmodel/essmodel/
Source Code : http://essmodel.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/essmodel/essmodel/
Not sure, but the TDatabaseSchema component in Context Software's Database Extensions component set may be close to what you're looking for:
Or maybe you would want/need to combine it with their end-user "Database Designer" product, which can be registered as the component editor for TDatabaseSchema. ( Database Designer ) The author would be happy to clarify if you asked, I'm sure.